By Mary E. Gardner, Mountain Community Mennonite Church

Mountain Community Mennonite Church (MCMC) has a long history of community outreach.  The Senior lunch program is one of them.  It began in 2016 as an addition to the already existing Senior Transportation and Senior Handyman which were started in 2002.  MCMC works with Silver Key, the Central location for Senior services for El Paso and Teller Counties.

How did the Senior lunch program get started? The Board of Directors, which is made up mostly of citizens in the community, work out of an office at the church.  The Board suggested the idea.  One thing lead to another and MCMC became the hosting location.

Although the program is a community program and connected to Silver Key, church members play an important role in the program by providing the space including kitchen, tables and chairs. Our own Faye Brenneman who is an active member of MCMC has been involved in the program since the inception.  She is the main representative from the church however other interested folks are also involved.

The lunch program is provided Monday through Friday to the Senior population in Tri Lakes area.  They are healthy meals prepared by Golden Circle (a centrally located kitchen in Colorado Springs that provides seniors with meals in Teller and El Paso County) then brought to the church by Silver Key volunteers.  “These meals are substantial”, says Faye.  “They are main meals with a daily nutrient calendar on the back of the menu”.  Meals cost $2.25 for seniors.  Other age groups are welcome but will be charged a slightly higher fee.

Several people from the church attend some of the meals and a number from the church, including Pastors, check in frequently with Louise, the Site Manager. “Louise is hired by Silver Key and is a charming, well organized Manager that we enjoy and appreciate” says Faye.  In addition to the wonderful lunch program the Seniors’ Transpiration program is available for all who may not have transportation of their own.  They are delivered to and from the church at no cost.

Faye has been at these lunches and has observed it as an “important social outlet for seniors who seldom get out on their own.  I have witnessed many becoming best friends.  For the Church, it is a positive means of serving the community”.

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